Guess what? I have a new book coming out!
Life Within Parole, Volume 2 is my second collection of Chameleon Moon-Universe short stories – TEN this time, up from seven! They’re a rollercoaster, fluffy and Intense and sometimes hilarious and sometimes terrifying and always emotional and amazing. With the usual cast full of queer/trans/disabled/a-spec/polyam superheroes making found families and surviving a dystopian hellscape. So, pretty much nonfiction. I’m just very excited and I just really can’t wait to share them with you.
And if you’re a book blogger (or, lbr, have a blog, which you do, because you’re here), I’d love it if you felt like being part of the (Super Badass) cover reveal/pre-order announcements, other Cool Launch Activities, and even scoring an Advance Review Copy for early reading!
The tentative release date is October 11th, or Halloween, depending – and you can add it on Goodreads right now!
THANK YOU so much!