Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature created and hosted by
The Broke and the Bookish, in which we all talk about a bookish topic and have fun making lists. This week we’re looking at underrated books – quite specifically, under 2000 ratings on Goodreads.
Alright folks, grab a chair and get your wishlists ready – this week we’re talking about the books we love that haven’t had the attention they deserve. I’m pretty sure my TBR is going to take a hammering, and I’m going to do my level best to return the favour!
Some of my most under-rated books are just very new (like the Windswept books and Ninefox Gambit, which I’ve raved about recently anyway), so I’m going to focus on older favourites that somehow got overlooked – and I’m going to stick to the criminally over-looked (books that have under 1000 ratings on Goodreads).
Chameleon Moon – RoAnna Sylver (recent, small press)
Good news: there’s…
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